National Cyber Security Awareness Month

National Cyber Security Awareness Month is observed each October since its inception in 2004 in the United States of America.[1] Sponsored by the National Cyber Security Division (NCSD) within the Department of Homeland Security and the National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA, a non-profit organization), Cyber Security Awareness Month encourages vigilance and protection by all computer users.[2]

During the month of October, the Department and the NCSA reach out to all Americans, public- and private-sector partners, and the international community about cyber threats and offers tips and best practices concerning how to stay safe online.[3]

The 2009 theme was Our Shared Responsibility to reflect the notion that cyberspace cannot be secured without the help of all users.

In line with President Obama’s 60 day review of cyber security, Awareness Month builds on existing programs within the Department of Homeland Security. NCSD and NCSA continue to encourage participation in the Cyber Security Awareness Volunteer Education (C-SAVE) Program. The C-SAVE Program advocates for cyber security professionals to visit local schools to educate students on cyber security threats and the importance of staying safe online.[4]

In other countries


In 2011, Norway started its own version called National Safety Month (Nasjonal sikkerhetsmåned) organized by NorSIS. Sponsored by agency's and company's like The Norwegian National Security Authority (NSM), The Data Protection Agency, Microsoft and Secunia.[5]

During this month, NorSIS reach out to the public with radio ads, advice on and arrangements in some cities.[6]
